Saturday, December 24, 2011

Why does every teen in the USA hate school

Why does every teen in the USA hate school?
im 16 & absoulutley hate school. I almost didnt come back from break this morning. last night everyones status on facebook was like "ahhh no!! i hate school!", i just think this is really sad how many people actually hate school and how are school system in set up for teens. Please share your opinion.
Other - Society & Culture - 15 Answers
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1 :
A lot of them are followers, teen media has presented rebellion and school hatred as "cool". Some are just trying to find themselves and feel school is pressuring them to be conformist, other feel they're to stupid and have stopped trying. I'd say the majority of them are just saying it cause their friends say it.
2 :
because it's compulsory and starts too early in the morning.
3 :
thoz who like gals like school,i hate it
4 :
Well, it is natural for people to hate doing work.
5 :
Most teens hate school because its one of the most boring places to be where people nag you and if you do one little thing then everyone is on your back about it.
6 :
School needs more clowns!,these bored students just sit around without a silly person to entertain them!,i could come to your school and juggle,maybe even bash the teachers.
7 :
Every Teen Everywhere Hates School. They Say " Your Here To Learn, We're Here To Help " . Bullshit. We're Here Cause' We Have To Be. And They're There For The Money.
8 :
Because it traps you for 6:30 and when you are done, guess what HOMEWORK! And I'm a striaght A student and I hate shcool, and also I hardly ever learn anything!
9 :
Here in the US, many parents don't raise us to cherish the freedoms and the privileges our ancestors sought and died for. Then again, it's a very difficult feat. Out of sight, out of mind, right? Americans thrive on escapism; sports, movies, video games, alcohol, drugs, music, etc. Our entertainment industry has a huge voice in our youth, hence our American culture is very in tune with our American Pop Culture. I hope you're sticking it out and do well in school. Because in a couple years, you're going to "absolutely hate" rent, bills, work, and a car that always has something wrong with it. When that day comes, you'll be wishing you were 16 again. Like me :) The US school system is a one track deal, Elem -> Mid -> High, then graduation, which is unforunate. In most European countries, there are several avenues one can take in education up to college, which is free in some countries. I think our nation would benefit a more diverse school system like such as they have overseas. Edit::: I noticed Lissa said "They're there for the money" PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, look up an average teacher's salary. After the 4 to 5 years they commited to a college education that doesn't transcend into other career fields, and wracked up tens of thousands of dollars in student loans, they do not get the money they deserve to put up with our apathetic youth and loud-mouth parents. Teachers are in it for the money? You really are lost if you believe that.
10 :
It's so much work! God, I just want to sleep all day, but instead I have to get up at 5 am to go to school to do schoolwork. Then I get home and have to do homework. And the food at school sucks.
11 :
School is not set up for the students at all. It's for the government to give them the ability to say that they did their best to educate the children. Most kids hate school because they are told they have to do it. If the kids were given a choice they wouldn't be so hostile towards education. I can already tell someone is gonna argue saying that school can't be voluntary or our society will fall, blah blah blah. Well, you're wrong, the kids will see that the people who went to school were able to get great jobs and make money. This will give them the motivation to want to get educated. It would also give the parents the ability to do what they're meant to do, raise their kids and make the important decisions that are currently made for them. I recently graduated and have realized that I loved school. I may have felt like I hated it while I was there, but I liked having the ability to build a social life while I learned. Our lives are forever shaped by the connections we make in school. A lot of kids nowadays are going to college because they choose to, you're not forced into going to college. Kids are seeing that they need college to get where they want to go and are making the choice. Lissa - Agreed. lol. Good way to put it. Person who disagreed with Lissa - All I have to say is I already forgot your name and what I was gonna respond with. All I know is that it wasn't going to be positive.
12 :
School is the dumbest thing invented in history.
13 :
Well, i dislike the idea that i'm being forced to do something. I love chocolate, but if someone were to force me it eat it, i'd freak. If it were optional, i would go anyways because i know there are so many that don't have the opportunity to get an education. Maybe its the a**holes you have to deal with, or the stupid teachers that forget that they assigned a project(i didn't mind... well expect for the fact i stayed up well past midnight to finish it cause my group was lazy). Or maybe its the fact that you're getting up before the sun does. I know I don't like the fact that you have very little control over what you learn. Really, unless it has something to do with my job, when am I going to need to know how many electrons are in a coulomb?
14 :
Because we are nagged by the government to lose weight and be healthy. We then get lots of homework which on our break time was have to do, we barely relax then work out and stuff if we have time. Then adults bug us that we have it easy while complaining about it online...then we go to bed late because homework plus other affairs theres just not enough hours in a day. then we get up early and we get harassed by our parents to go to bed earlier....Thennnn the governments do studies that say teens need more sleeep which we would LOVEEEEE but we CANT have any more sleep because were doing too many things! In any other scenerio locking kids up for 5-8 hours a day 5 days a week would be considered inhumane. Our parents can get in trouble and go to jail if we dont go to school . If you dont do exactly what your told would be held after school....then theres some schools with uniforms and we cant even wear a toque walking in the front door without being asked to take it off because its against the rules. Then we have to do homework at home. theres peer pressure and parents are at home relaxing while kids have homework (yes i know our parents generation had homework too). Also i hate how we get homework over "break times". I just got back from winter break and my facebook page was also filled with kids saying i hate school etc. I was worrying about homework a lot and had to do quite a bit while my teacher said she wasnt marking anything at all over the break :/ The bottom line is that kids hate school because the times have changed and the school system is old fashioned! Our parents make us do all of these events and this and that and then we still have school on top of that with too many rules, not enough sleep and not enough free time while being held against our will daily and sent home with enforceable by law work that if we dont do on a regular basis our grades will slip and drop out......cops come after us. -.-
15 :
School completely destroys your mind, it gives you just enough freedom so you come everyday but your spits you out after four years as a tool to society, sucks you into the draining capitalist ways of the greedy and after a week about learning about romantics and transcendentalism the teacher tells you to listen, and follower their direction because they know best...SCHOOL IS MAKING US SHUT OFF OUR BRAINS!!!! don't believe me....every philosopher in time says you must do what you want...well what do you want??? I bet 90% of the time you "want" something created by humans...well you've lost your've lost yourself and become part of a machine. Have fun... if there is a devil school is his creation because it would be the temptation and sin of power hungry indviduals who have lost sight of love and freedom and have cluttered the pathway of life with sofas and fancy cars and prostitution and bullshit...fucking bullshit...whio made school so we all turn out like them..."i love education but if its not taking me where i need to be then fuck education" they are teaching us to be corrupt...there is no longer a sense of enlightenment...a sense of containment has overtaken because we no longer are able to release our minds and souls. i plead for anyone instigated in anyway by this to contact me for further civil discussion.

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Friday, December 16, 2011

Do you think the school shootings in USA is linked to bullying in schools ?

Do you think the school shootings in USA is linked to bullying in schools ?
Please talk freely about both school shooting and bullying. I appreciate if you have personal experience with either and can share.
Current Events - 11 Answers
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1 :
never been bullied,but knew someone who hung themselves for it. U S should ban hand guns and shooting people cos you were bullied is no excuse
2 :
I really don't know.It's the first thing to come to my mind too.I often wonder if the person holding the gun has been bullied so much,he can longer go on so takes the bullies out with him.
3 :
Many people live through their lives undergoing adversity, however only a few CHOOSE to deal with adversity through violence. I really don't know if I was bullied..I was called names and teased because of the way that I looked, but in the end it never infiltrated my sense of self, I was very happy and thought very highly of myself, I wouldn't believe that anybody wouldn't like me...I didn't notice this part of me though until I became a mother of a child that is very similar. I think that life is about choices and you make your choices and deal with the consequences. I always felt sorry for the people who made fun of me...what was so wrong with them that they felt they had to be so mean to people...I never took it personally (for long anyway) my attention span for that type of attack was and is very small.
4 :
Americans need to deal with some of their own major problems instead of invading and occupying other countries. Your country has so many problems but your women are busy shopping for clothes or looking like porn stars.
5 :
I am a teacher and a social worker. My view is that the family as a unit, for so many families, does no longer exist. Family parents both need to work to support the family. Family eating habits are not those where the family sits down, nicely, at supper time, and discuss the day. There is lack of familial unity in almost every level. Children go to school, go to a sitter, or are latch key children with no adult to supervise them. Once home, everyone is busy! Parents are preparing for the next day's work, doing house work, laundry, and the children are left to 'fend' for themselves. Standard social procedures are no longer taught as they once were. Children feel they lack power. Getting their power comes, often, from bullying others. Children can't run next door and play with a friend, anymore.........that family is busy, too! Children who are supervised can't go outside and find someone to play with, as they used to be able to do. That would be dangerous in today's society. My six yr old grandson has no school mates to visit after school, as his parents tell me they don't know the parents.......they don't know what kind of people they are. So, he plays with his cousins, and that is the arena he is safe in, and he goes no farther. I care for this young boy, as both parents work, daily. My grandson is well mannored, and clean spoken. I have tried to FIND him other boys his age with which to play, while at my home. So far, the boys his age have filthy mouths, and no parenting that can be detected at all! Parenting skills have practically disappeared while the computer games and DVDs have taken their place. That is a real trajedy. These same parents are so shocked when they realize their young adults are on drugs or drinking heavily. They are quick to site, "Not our fault, we didn't do them around the kids!"..........uh, huh. The parent with the snack for the child who comes home from school, directly, no longer exists in most of our society. Children are not directed to socially accepted behavior. This, of course, is not meant for those parents who do make certain their children are well parented. The family, as a unit, is rarely seen in most churches, anymore, as well. Those who are, are to be praised..........if only because it does promote unity and responsibility. Responsibility for ones behavior is not being taught anywhere, for most young children. Time is precious, and time passes along, as we rush and hurry and make sure we get our work done, in house and at the work site. Money is scarce and jobs are important. Still, there must be a regular standard of behavior for our children, and we, as adults ARE responsible for teaching it while they are young, and throughout the teen years. Children and teens tell me they cannot speak to their parents.........they are too busy to talk to the children. Young girls don't even know how to approach their mother when they enter puberty. A society without rules that are enforced by parents, is a society that will 'grow' bullies and criminals. Did the parent ASK where that particular item came from, when they find something new or unfamiliar in their child's room? Did they check that out? Do parents, now, believe they only have time to tell their children what NOT to do, instead of what TO do? That is what I see. Life without rules that are kept, is like playing ball on a mountain top. Consider the mountain top has no fence.......there are cliffs completely surrounding the area. Rules are the fence. No rules, no fence, and the children fall off the cliff, while trying to catch the ball. With that secure fence, the children may play, and know when to stop their behavior........they live safely. ....they play ball in joy and no one has to worry about falling. I love children. I've worked with them all my life, and I am 63. I have been guardian, birth mother, foster mother, court advocate, and even had a baby left upon my doorstep! People love my adult boys and their children, as well. We explain to our children what IS o.k. to do, why it is o.k., and what happens if they don't do it. We never hit our children, we only told them we were disappointed if they broke a rule. Still, they grew up to be wonderful citizens and caring, loving people. They don't believe that hurting someone makes them right or strong. They know my rule about speaking in a too loud of a voice. I believe the first person who starts screaming has run out of logic and is cowering with a loud voice. You'd like my children.................all of them. I know I'm proud of them.
6 :
I wouldn't necessarily relate them as an automatic cause and effect, but every shooting case I'm aware of that occurred in a grade school or a high school has a background of bullying (unprovoked battery) or harassment (including sexual). • Complaints the suspect generated about the abuse he'd been subjected to were generally dismissed by adult authority figures as "normal behaviour" if not disregarded altogether. • The systems of belief and etiquette favoured by the suspect's parents often did not take into account the moral need to stand up for oneself. He may be "too well behaved" and needs a sense of universal order in his life. He may at some point have expressed an interest in studying martial arts, or being sent away to boarding/military school, or just attend a faith-based school nearby, either of which would have been declined by the parents for financial OR PHILOSOPHICAL reasons. A bully on the other hand is someone who has not been effectively parented. He does not see his fellow humans as individuals with unique feeling and aspirations.
7 :
Bullying is probably part of society worldwide and it does not limit to age or gender, and of course it is done by people with personality problems. Aggressive bullying goes even further, and the aggressor tends to seriously hurt (or kill) sooner or later. If you combine that with the COMPLETE freedom to purchase weapons in the U.S., you have the perfect lethal combination. While minors cannot legally purchase weapons, all adults can, and not ever being too far out of reach, it is really a wonder that there's not at least one school shooting every single day!
8 :
I think it could be. Some people at my school get bullied for numerous things this one kid I knew got bulled for three years cause his parents make him wear a purity ring. this next kid deserves to be bullied cause he is such a racist to black, hispanics, asians, he's very rude. everyone has a point in their life when they can get bullied some people deal with it well, I used to not be able to I would always throw up my food cause the thought of eating made me sick to my stomach when I was bullied in fifth grade. some kids there's something wrong with them in their mind mentally that triggers something and having people they dont' even know calling them a "freak" or "physco" doesn't help. or you never know some people may bring their violence at home to school.
9 :
A bullied student always feels a loss of prestige because he is made to feel inferior among his peers. He/she wants to get even but cannot do so physically because the bully is usually much bigger than his victim. So he resorts to a weapon, if one is available, to even the score. Often the bully is himself a victim of a bigger person and he evens the score by bullying a smaller guy. I think that there should be no guns in a house that has children even up to the age of 21. While at 15 or so the children look grown they are emotionally immature and do not stop to think of consequences before they act. My parents impressed upon me, when I was in school, that such people were to be avoided. Fighting just resulted in 2 bloody noses and did not prove anything. There are some parents who encourage fighting back because they feel that an insult to the kid is an insult to them. However children do not realize that killing is too drastic and permanent an answer to an unpleasantness. This is essentially the job of the parents to instill a respect for life, and a healthy fear of the consequences to a murderer. If he is made to realize the consequences of his actions by the time he is 6 or 7, this may not happen. Also the child needs to be able to talk about it to his parents without any judgment that he was a sissy for avoiding the bully.
10 :
All those school shooters were victims of bullies and the more teachers refuse to stop bullying the more school shooting there will be.
11 :
yes! we need to stop the bullying. i sympathise with these children who are teased so bad that they lose all control and instead of fighting they kill . this needs to stop. parents and teachers need to do something. pass a bill in congress to help your children and help teachers . my son is bullied and i was to. we need people to go to schools and do conferences and tell these kids that this needs to stop and if it doesn't then strict discipline needs to be put in to action. i remember trying to kill my self at 16 because i was teased so bad because i was really over weight. Now i'm successful and not so over weight. This needs to stop now. Soon we will not have our children safe.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Can someone explain how the USA high school system works

Can someone explain how the USA high school system works?
Do students get to choose their subjects like in the UK? How come students do Calculus, trigonometry etc, when students in the uk do it all in the same maths class?
Homework Help - 1 Answers
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1 :
In high school you can choose your classes but there are some that you have to take. Like health for example. There's some classes where you can't take them till you've had a certain class or are a junior or senior. Like I wasn't able to take Art II till I had Art 1. Its the same with the english,math,science, and other classes. As you go through the years you take higher level classes.Oh, and you need a certain amount of credits to be able to graduate. I don't know why students in the UK do it all in the same math class. Probably just how long the UK school year is maybe?

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Thursday, December 1, 2011

I have dual citizen ship(canada, states) I want to go to USA for school. Do i have to pay internation tuiton

I have dual citizen ship(canada, states) I want to go to USA for school. Do i have to pay internation tuiton?
Im wanting to go to UCLA for collage. Im living in canada with dual citizen ship. Do i have to pay internation tution to go to school there?
Financial Aid - 2 Answers
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1 :
Ben: It's not that you'll pay "international" tuition rates that's a problem for you - it's that (I'm assuming) you're not a resident of the state of California. Therefore, you'll pay out-of-state rates, the same rates that someone from Wisconsin or Georgia or New Jersey would pay. UCLA is a member of the University of California state university system, and as such, receives extensive tax dollar subsidies from the taxpayers of California. In return, the UC system charges discounted rates to all California residents and a much higher rate to everyone else. Supposedly, the higher rate represents the "true cost" of providing those students with an education. Despite frequent and incorrect statements, a student can not gain state residency in California by moving there to attend school. Think about that for a minute, and you'd realize that only freshmen would ever pay out-of-state rates. Presumably everyone who makes it through their freshman year has now lived in California for a year - so by the commonly offered advice, every student is a California resident by their second year of school. The truth is that a student who moves to California for the primary purpose of attending a university or college can not gain state residency, no matter how long they stay in school. So - long story short - your "problem" isn't your dual citizenship - it's that you're not a California resident. Good luck!
2 :
You will if your residence is Canada. If you establish US residence before going to school, then you won't. If you establish California residence, then you won't even have to pay out of state tuition.

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Thursday, November 24, 2011

How can a foreign child ask for a I-20 to study Middle School in the USA

How can a foreign child ask for a I-20 to study Middle School in the USA?
How can a foreign child study in the USA Middle/High School? She/He can only apply for a Private School? How would be the process
Embassies & Consulates - 1 Answers
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1 :

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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What are the requirements to be able to attend a medical school/university in USA

What are the requirements to be able to attend a medical school/university in USA?
I am graduated from high school just in 2008. I gained high marks in my high school final exam. I would like to go abroad for my further studies. I am interested in medicine and I would like to become a doctor. So, I would like to attend one of the medical schools in America. But I don't know the requirements to reach there. If I need to take TOEFL test, I will. I want to attend in coming year,2009.
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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1 :
42 or greater on the MCAT.
2 :
In the US it is required that medical students obtain a minimum of 90 semester hours of college education before beginning their medical education. There are no exceptions to that.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Why is graduate school twice as long/ expensive in the USA as in the UK

Why is graduate school twice as long/ expensive in the USA as in the UK?
UK = 1 Year no silly tests and its recognized the world over. USA = 2 Years that means it will be twice as expensive and you have to take some silly GRE test like your bachelors degree isn't enough of an example. Why do they make it so hard for you to go to grad school in the USA?
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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1 :
cuz the usa is over priced and full of scandals

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

When does school in the USA oficially start

When does school in the USA oficially start?
I keep seeing boards here about I need to lose weight before school in 3 weeks? Doesn't everyone start September 4th?
Other - Education - 3 Answers
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1 :
Not even all the towns near each other start classes on the same day. In the Dallas area, classes start anywhere from August 10 to August 25. [ Each school district schedules its own calendar, and they don't make any particular effort to synchronize. ] Also, colleges, Universities, and community colleges make their own schedules that don't necessarily match any one elses. In much of America, the "school starts in September" deal is just a memory.
2 :
Local school boards set the yearly school schedule for their district.
3 :
it depends on the state that you are in... some start in august and some start in september or november

Monday, October 24, 2011

What is the school fees like for private elementary schools in Virginia, USA

What is the school fees like for private elementary schools in Virginia, USA?
I am from East Asia, planning to move to Virginia. I want to send my kids to a good private elementary school. Can some one tell me what is the expected costs including fees, extra curricular activities, books, transporation etc? Thanks.
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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1 :
Most private elementary cost under $10,000. $3000 - $6500 should be a fair price for one year of tuition. BUT it really depend what school are you going send your child to.

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Is it possible to finish high-school in USA when you have haven't finished high-school in other country

Is it possible to finish high-school in USA when you have haven't finished high-school in other country?
Hello! Title already mentions the question.. If anybody knows or has some idea, please let me know! I would be very grateful. L.
Primary & Secondary Education - 2 Answers
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1 :
like you went to high school in a different country and now ur going to one in the US? if that's the case then your credits should transfer if you have your transcript
2 :
How old are you? Where in the US are you living? If you are under age 21, you can usually enroll in a US public high school. Go to the office, and sign up. They will ask for your foreign high school transcripts. If those are not available, you can still enroll. They will ask for proof that you have received your immunizations. If you don't have that, talk to them anyway, and they can tell you how to get it. If you are over age 21, you will need to get your GED - that's a test you take, and it acts as a high school equivalency. The adult education department in your town, or your local community college, offer GED preparation classes, which are free or very inexpensive. Contact them. In some cities, such as NYC, the city runs adult high school programs. Many, many immigrants to the US enroll in these adult high school programs. If you live in a major US city, find out if an adult high school program exists there, and enroll.

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Saturday, October 8, 2011

if i can avail to study in the public school of usa,about how much will other miscellaneous fees will cost

if i can avail to study in the public school of usa,about how much will other miscellaneous fees will cost?
im a filipino and i wanna study in aunt is a citizen there.
Credit - 2 Answers
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1 :
Well you can apply for student aid but I dont know what the qualifications for award are if you are not a citizen of this country. You can check the link that I've included below, to find out more. If you are awarded a grant, or a loan, it "usually" is enough for the tuition and MOST of the books at a community college. Good luck!
2 :
It depends if you are speaking about university or anything before University. Anything before University would be free. No fees, so additional charges, etc. University is a completely different story. Public colleges usually have in-state and out-of-state rates which vary greatly depending upon the state, etc. There is usually a residency requirement that you've lived in the state for a certain period of time in order to qualify for in-state rates (usually a year or more). You can't go to university without paying tuition, even if it is in-state. It could range from ~$1000 per semester to several thousand per semester. There are scholarships, grants and loans to help pay for things, some of which have to be repaid. Good luck!

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Saturday, October 1, 2011

Should I finish nursing school in Spain or USA

Should I finish nursing school in Spain or USA?
I have one mroe year of nursing school in the USA, but I am moving to Spain to live and work as an RN for atleast 20 years. Should I finish my last year here for another $35,000 or finish in Spain for 900 euros a year?
Other - Education - 2 Answers
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1 :
it's best to go to spain. because it can be tricky with schools that are overseas because i have heard of cases where american workplaces or schools do not accept some colleges/university credit from some countries. so to be safe go to spain and study since you are already planning to work there for at least 20 years. it's better to be safe than sorry. plus you'll be more familiar with the way things work over there, because in america they might have different standards or procedures or expectations. plus since it is significantly cheaper. it's probably best. but make sure that you are familiar with spain though. maybe know a few words here or there, know the popular ways of commute, what they eat, etc.
2 :
I have friends from Europe who has degree in medical field and seeking permanent residency in US, our Goverment is not completely recognized European medical degree, they have to take a few courses (2 years) in US before thay get certify. I would suggest you should continue you education in Spain.

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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Can someone explain how the USA high school system works

Can someone explain how the USA high school system works?
Do students get to choose their subjects like in the UK? How come students do Calculus, trigonometry etc, when students in the uk do it all in the same maths class?
Homework Help - 1 Answers
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1 :
In high school you can choose your classes but there are some that you have to take. Like health for example. There's some classes where you can't take them till you've had a certain class or are a junior or senior. Like I wasn't able to take Art II till I had Art 1. Its the same with the english,math,science, and other classes. As you go through the years you take higher level classes.Oh, and you need a certain amount of credits to be able to graduate. I don't know why students in the UK do it all in the same math class. Probably just how long the UK school year is maybe?

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Friday, September 16, 2011

I have dual citizen ship(canada, states) I want to go to USA for school. Do i have to pay internation tuiton

I have dual citizen ship(canada, states) I want to go to USA for school. Do i have to pay internation tuiton?
Im wanting to go to UCLA for collage. Im living in canada with dual citizen ship. Do i have to pay internation tution to go to school there?
Financial Aid - 2 Answers
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1 :
Ben: It's not that you'll pay "international" tuition rates that's a problem for you - it's that (I'm assuming) you're not a resident of the state of California. Therefore, you'll pay out-of-state rates, the same rates that someone from Wisconsin or Georgia or New Jersey would pay. UCLA is a member of the University of California state university system, and as such, receives extensive tax dollar subsidies from the taxpayers of California. In return, the UC system charges discounted rates to all California residents and a much higher rate to everyone else. Supposedly, the higher rate represents the "true cost" of providing those students with an education. Despite frequent and incorrect statements, a student can not gain state residency in California by moving there to attend school. Think about that for a minute, and you'd realize that only freshmen would ever pay out-of-state rates. Presumably everyone who makes it through their freshman year has now lived in California for a year - so by the commonly offered advice, every student is a California resident by their second year of school. The truth is that a student who moves to California for the primary purpose of attending a university or college can not gain state residency, no matter how long they stay in school. So - long story short - your "problem" isn't your dual citizenship - it's that you're not a California resident. Good luck!
2 :
You will if your residence is Canada. If you establish US residence before going to school, then you won't. If you establish California residence, then you won't even have to pay out of state tuition.

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Thursday, September 8, 2011

How can a foreign child ask for a I-20 to study Middle School in the USA

How can a foreign child ask for a I-20 to study Middle School in the USA?
How can a foreign child study in the USA Middle/High School? She/He can only apply for a Private School? How would be the process
Embassies & Consulates - 1 Answers
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1 :

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Thursday, September 1, 2011

What are the requirements to be able to attend a medical school/university in USA

What are the requirements to be able to attend a medical school/university in USA?
I am graduated from high school just in 2008. I gained high marks in my high school final exam. I would like to go abroad for my further studies. I am interested in medicine and I would like to become a doctor. So, I would like to attend one of the medical schools in America. But I don't know the requirements to reach there. If I need to take TOEFL test, I will. I want to attend in coming year,2009.
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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42 or greater on the MCAT.
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In the US it is required that medical students obtain a minimum of 90 semester hours of college education before beginning their medical education. There are no exceptions to that.

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Why is graduate school twice as long/ expensive in the USA as in the UK

Why is graduate school twice as long/ expensive in the USA as in the UK?
UK = 1 Year no silly tests and its recognized the world over. USA = 2 Years that means it will be twice as expensive and you have to take some silly GRE test like your bachelors degree isn't enough of an example. Why do they make it so hard for you to go to grad school in the USA?
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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cuz the usa is over priced and full of scandals

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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

When does school in the USA oficially start

When does school in the USA oficially start?
I keep seeing boards here about I need to lose weight before school in 3 weeks? Doesn't everyone start September 4th?
Other - Education - 3 Answers
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Not even all the towns near each other start classes on the same day. In the Dallas area, classes start anywhere from August 10 to August 25. [ Each school district schedules its own calendar, and they don't make any particular effort to synchronize. ] Also, colleges, Universities, and community colleges make their own schedules that don't necessarily match any one elses. In much of America, the "school starts in September" deal is just a memory.
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Local school boards set the yearly school schedule for their district.
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it depends on the state that you are in... some start in august and some start in september or november

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Monday, August 8, 2011

What is the school fees like for private elementary schools in Virginia, USA

What is the school fees like for private elementary schools in Virginia, USA?
I am from East Asia, planning to move to Virginia. I want to send my kids to a good private elementary school. Can some one tell me what is the expected costs including fees, extra curricular activities, books, transporation etc? Thanks.
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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Most private elementary cost under $10,000. $3000 - $6500 should be a fair price for one year of tuition. BUT it really depend what school are you going send your child to.

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Monday, August 1, 2011

Is it possible to finish high-school in USA when you have haven't finished high-school in other country

Is it possible to finish high-school in USA when you have haven't finished high-school in other country?
Hello! Title already mentions the question.. If anybody knows or has some idea, please let me know! I would be very grateful. L.
Primary & Secondary Education - 2 Answers
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like you went to high school in a different country and now ur going to one in the US? if that's the case then your credits should transfer if you have your transcript
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How old are you? Where in the US are you living? If you are under age 21, you can usually enroll in a US public high school. Go to the office, and sign up. They will ask for your foreign high school transcripts. If those are not available, you can still enroll. They will ask for proof that you have received your immunizations. If you don't have that, talk to them anyway, and they can tell you how to get it. If you are over age 21, you will need to get your GED - that's a test you take, and it acts as a high school equivalency. The adult education department in your town, or your local community college, offer GED preparation classes, which are free or very inexpensive. Contact them. In some cities, such as NYC, the city runs adult high school programs. Many, many immigrants to the US enroll in these adult high school programs. If you live in a major US city, find out if an adult high school program exists there, and enroll.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

if i can avail to study in the public school of usa,about how much will other miscellaneous fees will cost

if i can avail to study in the public school of usa,about how much will other miscellaneous fees will cost?
im a filipino and i wanna study in aunt is a citizen there.
Credit - 2 Answers
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Well you can apply for student aid but I dont know what the qualifications for award are if you are not a citizen of this country. You can check the link that I've included below, to find out more. If you are awarded a grant, or a loan, it "usually" is enough for the tuition and MOST of the books at a community college. Good luck!
2 :
It depends if you are speaking about university or anything before University. Anything before University would be free. No fees, so additional charges, etc. University is a completely different story. Public colleges usually have in-state and out-of-state rates which vary greatly depending upon the state, etc. There is usually a residency requirement that you've lived in the state for a certain period of time in order to qualify for in-state rates (usually a year or more). You can't go to university without paying tuition, even if it is in-state. It could range from ~$1000 per semester to several thousand per semester. There are scholarships, grants and loans to help pay for things, some of which have to be repaid. Good luck!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Should I finish nursing school in Spain or USA

Should I finish nursing school in Spain or USA?
I have one mroe year of nursing school in the USA, but I am moving to Spain to live and work as an RN for atleast 20 years. Should I finish my last year here for another $35,000 or finish in Spain for 900 euros a year?
Other - Education - 2 Answers
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it's best to go to spain. because it can be tricky with schools that are overseas because i have heard of cases where american workplaces or schools do not accept some colleges/university credit from some countries. so to be safe go to spain and study since you are already planning to work there for at least 20 years. it's better to be safe than sorry. plus you'll be more familiar with the way things work over there, because in america they might have different standards or procedures or expectations. plus since it is significantly cheaper. it's probably best. but make sure that you are familiar with spain though. maybe know a few words here or there, know the popular ways of commute, what they eat, etc.
2 :
I have friends from Europe who has degree in medical field and seeking permanent residency in US, our Goverment is not completely recognized European medical degree, they have to take a few courses (2 years) in US before thay get certify. I would suggest you should continue you education in Spain.

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Friday, July 8, 2011

I'm Italian, and I have a question about USA school

I'm Italian, and I have a question about USA school?
What are the Holiday of the High School? Because, in Italy, we have 3 months of holiday in Summer (from the second week of June to the first week of September), two weeks for Christmas and one for Carneval and Easter. We go to school also Saturday... I'm very sorry for my grammar, in Italy we study more Latin than English (our stupid Minister)... Thank you very much!
Primary & Secondary Education - 2 Answers
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Well School is Monday through Friday, off on saturdays and sundays. Also about Holiday it depends on the school district. some schools go to school Sept-May then off June, July and August on Holiday. Some schools have what is called year round school where you get 1 month off every 3/4 months.
2 :
American schools are very similar to yours, BUT we dont have school on saturdays. We also have many days off during the year, depending on the school you go to. your grammar is fine. You'll notice that most american's grammar is not the best ether.

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Friday, July 1, 2011

Graduate school: how come law and medicine is a graduate school in usa. UK, Canada, Japan, one starts at 18

Graduate school: how come law and medicine is a graduate school in usa. UK, Canada, Japan, one starts at 18?
how come law and medicine is a graduate school program in usa. in UK, japan, canada, one can start at age 18. age 18, one can study science, engineering, how come it has to wait till after 4-years of college.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Because medical schools in the states want older, more psychologically mature candidates who have had more time to think about what they want to do for the rest of their lives, and more time to develop skills and interests outside of the field of law or medicine. There's a reason that american doctors can work in any country, but not the other way around. ;)

Friday, June 24, 2011

why do international students who come outside usa pay more money towards their school here

why do international students who come outside usa pay more money towards their school here?
i have friends on F1 visas who comes from different countries and they told me how much it cost for them to be in school here in usa,they always attend full time classes and they are not allowed to drop courses even if they dont like the course,is it fair?how can i help them?wouldn't it be better for them to go back to their countries and pay less/save money?
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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A degree from a US university is often considered more prestigious, and provides opportunies both here and in the student's home country. You shouldn't dissuade your friends from going to school in the US, but consider helping them to find scholarships.

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Thursday, June 16, 2011

What are the salary of a biology teacher in high school (USA)? How many holidays you get

What are the salary of a biology teacher in high school (USA)? How many holidays you get?
Also what qualifications do you need. I have a Bachelours in Biochemistry (UK) and am doing a PhD in biomedical science. I realised I don;t like what I am doing and would like to be a teacher. I am not sure about the system in USA. If I decided to quit my PhD what are the chances of becoming a teacher when I already have a degree in Biochemistry. I am moving there soon (Chicago) so that's why I am asking. Would very much appreciate your help and advice.
Teaching - 2 Answers
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Because of the crazy way America funds education, salaries vary from school district to school district within states and from state to state. So there's no hard and fast rule about salaries. If you want to teach, you'll need to look at the Illinois Department of Education to find out their requirements for teacher certification in your area. You have to obtain certification/licensure to be a teacher (you should be able to find it on the state website). There's a fee involved for the license, but I'm not sure what it is in Illinois. You will also have to undergo a background check and be fingerprinted--there are fees involved in this process as well. Once you obtain your license, you can begin the application process to school districts within the areas in which you will live once you move here. It can be a time consuming and frustrating process, but it is really worth it! I love being a teacher despite the many headaches involved. Good luck!
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You would need to get your teacher certification. This would involve taking education classes and student teaching, and it would likely take at least a full year. Each state has its own specific requirements. Here are the ones for Illinois: Once you finished your certification, you would likely be an attractive candidate since you have your advanced degree, but they probably wouldn't hire you until you get certified. Teachers in the US normally have time off for about 2 1/2 months in summer, a few days around Thanksgiving, about a week and a half at Christmas, often a week near Easter, and a few other days scattered throughout the year. I also recommend that you consider teaching at a community college. You would not have to get teacher certification for it, so you might be able to find a job right away.

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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Where can I find information about the dental license in michigan for a graduate dentist in a school out USA

Where can I find information about the dental license in michigan for a graduate dentist in a school out USA?

Law & Ethics - 1 Answers
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1 :,1607,7-132-27417_27529_27533---,00.html Try that.

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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Can I attend college in the Philippines after two years of high school in the USA

Can I attend college in the Philippines after two years of high school in the USA?
Ok right now I am a sophomore here in the USA. I am planning to go to the Philippines for college. Technically, if you are a sophomore in the USA, you're actually a senior in high school in the Philippines. Do you think I would be able to go and start as a freshman in college? Just after doing two years of high school here in the USA? I am planning to go to this international school over there?? Thanks for all the help you can give me :]
Other - Education - 2 Answers
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Why would you want to go to a country like the Phillipeans for college? Stay in the USA and get a REAL degree from a respectible college in the USA so people will take you seriously. Finish High School first.
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If you can prove that a 2nd year high school in the U.S. is equivalent to a senior high school in the Philippines, then I don't see why not. Most prominent universities in the Philippines though would require an entrance examination you would still need to pass in order to get a degree from them. You can visit this Web site for a list of universities and colleges in the Philippines: Prominent universities in the Philippines include: I'd recommend checking out their requirements too.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Please can you give me some names of good flying schools in USA? Is PEA a good flying school

Please can you give me some names of good flying schools in USA? Is PEA a good flying school?
Im so confused about different opinion. I heard a lot of stories about foreigner student not being taken seriously, also financially...
Air Travel - 2 Answers
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Well, are you going for your PPL or CPL? For your PPL, just go over to your local municipal airport. They will probably have programs available there. For your CPL, you could either join the Air Force, go to an aviation college (Northwest Aviation College), aviation university (Embry Riddle Aeronautical University), or aviation academy (Delta Connection Academy). Do some research on these schools. If you have questions on specifics of these schools, you can email me
2 :
well u deseve to be confused u lefl a good frnd

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Monday, May 16, 2011

Is High School in USA really like it's shown in Tv and Cinema

Is High School in USA really like it's shown in Tv and Cinema?
Tv series and movies ALWAYS show the same types of teenagers and the same types of relationships between them in high school. There's always, the nerds, the "strong" guys that like to annoy the so-called "losers", the popular girls (that always end up with the popular guys), the cheerleaders .... Always the same thing... That makes me wonder (since I'm not familiar with the american reallity, cuz I'm Brazilian), if that really is what happens during High School.
Other - Television - 1 Answers
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in ways yes, but some ways, no. we do have the typical nerds, jocks, preps, goths, people that you usually see on tv. and usually the preps and jocks usually date. the nerds, jocks, preps, and goths have their own cliques. (group of people that they hang around) And they usually dont go outside of that clique because their use 2 hanging around people like them.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Is High School in USA really like it's shown in Tv and Cinema

Is High School in USA really like it's shown in Tv and Cinema?
Tv series and movies ALWAYS show the same types of teenagers and the same types of relationships between them in high school. There's always, the nerds, the "strong" guys that like to annoy the so-called "losers", the popular girls (that always end up with the popular guys), the cheerleaders .... Always the same thing... That makes me wonder (since I'm not familiar with the american reallity, cuz I'm Brazilian), if that really is what happens during High School.
Other - Television - 3 Answers
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No, not at all accurate. Those shows are always so scripted if you know what i mean..i mean, there are the "preppy" boys that are kind of obnoxtious, kind of like the 'popular' crowd type. but never close to the ones in movies and stuff
2 :
it depends what school and who u hang out with
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Like most TV shows, U.S. High School series are based upon truth and then embellished until they're more exciting and entertaining than the real world. The nerds aren't as nerdy as on TV. The jocks aren't as tough. The best-looking guys and gals are not as plentiful in real life and the average-looking kids are more plentiful.

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Sunday, May 1, 2011

When is the USA School exams

When is the USA School exams?
What is the usual time table for USA school exams, I mean in what month they conduct mid-term and annual exams, and also when will be the school holidays in USA...
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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Mid term is usually in December, and final exam is usually in May. School holidays are Thanksgiving (end of November), Christmas and New Year's, Spring Break (usually end of March) and Summer Vacation (June through August). But every school is a little bit different.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Have some School in USA for learn portuguese

Have some School in USA for learn portuguese ?
I'm brazilian, and here have a lot of schools for learn portuguese: CNA, CCAA , IEBEU, ICBEU, CULTURA INGLESA and others. And I want know if have schools for learn portuguese there. Kiss ;)
Languages - 2 Answers
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You should improve your English first!
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não é comum, mas é possível depende do lugar onde mores os lugares onde hà muitos portuguêses ou muitos brasileiros, devem ter escolas ou cursos para aprender português cidades como Los Angeles, New York é o estado da Florida tem mais brasileiros e lugares como Boston e New Jersy tem mais portuguêses acho que ali hà lugaqres onde aprender português

Saturday, April 16, 2011

When will start the school in USA

When will start the school in USA?
In Italy will start this monday...and I will continue to study english! Are you happy?xD Oh my god a true person from USA!*-* i'm excited!
Primary & Secondary Education - 3 Answers
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Northen Virginia + New York + Virginia all ready started. Wisconsin schools also started, North Carolina schools already started and Massachusetts schools started 2 weeks ago. Basically all schools started this week or a few weeks ago
2 :
When A school starts here in the US is different everywhere, from every state, and even within the state the day that we start is different, I live in Des Moines, Iowa and I started August 25 but my cousin who lives in Kansas City, Missouri started way back August 16 another one of my cousins who lives around Ann Arbor, Michigan started today. So it really differs, I know though that a lot of schools start the day after labor day so I think its safe to say by the end of the week everyone will be back in school
3 :
I live in Texas, and we're already on our third week of school.

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Friday, April 8, 2011

How do I study at Dental school in USA

How do I study at Dental school in USA?
Hello everybody, I hope all of u r doing good.. My question is How di I study at Dental school to be a dentist in USA. In other word, what do I need to get applyed ?? note that: Im an International student. thank for all u guys .. :)
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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You would first need a bachelor's degree in any area of study. A pre-med or biology major, however, would be helpful. You could then apply to dental school. It would more than likely take you another four years to complete dental school. A couple of universities that offer a dental program are Creighton University and the University of Southern California. Good Luck!

Friday, April 1, 2011

How does a person in other country can choose a good aviation school in the USA

How does a person in other country can choose a good aviation school in the USA?
My nephew in Mexico wants to come to study aviation in the USA. How can you help in choosing a good aviation school? Many thanks!
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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There are so very many schools to choose from in most any state. Google aviation schools, then select a state then see what is available there. If he will live at the school or if he will commute might be important considerations.

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Thursday, March 24, 2011

How to be exchange student in middle school in the USA

How to be exchange student in middle school in the USA?
I am international student from Mongolia. I would like to bring my younger sister from mongolia to the USA to be exchange student in middle school. I can not find any website that mention about exchange student from Mongolia.
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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You have to be at least 16 in most studying abroad programs. but that is usually for just half a year. For a whole year you have to be older in some programs.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

how does it work to move from a school in Italy to an elementary school in USA

how does it work to move from a school in Italy to an elementary school in USA?
It is possible that I have to move to N.J. from Italy with my family, I have 3 children and the bigger one is 9 years old attending the 4th grade, does anyone know if she is going to lose the year, she speaks just a little bit of english, or if they are going to put her in the right grade and give her additional english classes. Please give me some advices...thank you
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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when i moved to the united states in 1999 when i was 5 years old,i stayed back in the 1st grade because i did not know how to speak english that well then my parents hired a language teacher to help me.i never stayed back ever since and now i'm in the 8th grade

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

what is the best acting school in USA? for Hollywood

what is the best acting school in USA? for Hollywood?
just want to know. what is the best acting school in USA that has at least a chance for me to get into hollywood? any advice?
Theater & Acting - 1 Answers
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One of the best acting schools would be the Tisch School for the Arts at NYU. You'll get coaching from incredibly talented teachers, and make a lot of important contacts that could help out in the future. However, it is VERY expensive.

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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How can i enter medical school in the usa

How can i enter medical school in the usa?
Hello i live in the uk and get the top grades and everything i really want move to america when i go uni which is a couple of years.... so how would i get in a medical school in the usa from the uk?
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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In the US, medical school is graduate education, meaning you attend college after high school and then medical school. People educated outside of the US are rarely accepted directly into a medical school. Most require a minimum of one year attendance at a US undergraduate school, preferrably completing prerequisite courses, before considering you. It sounds as though you intend to come to the US to begin attending a university after you complete your secondary education. If so, that is your best option for attending a US medical school.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

can someone explain school systems USA please

can someone explain school systems USA please?
can someone please explain how the system like 1st grade, 2nd grade etc works? like how old you are supposed to be in each one and maybe the english equivalent? thanks, i really want to know!
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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I'm not sure of how other countries work, sorry.. but here is the basic US system. At 3 or 4 years old, you can try to get your child into pre-school. Not officially a "school", but it will help your child socialize and get used to a schedule with other people. At around 5 years, child can start "kindergarden" .. again, just a beginning of the school structure. At 5 or 6, the 'real' education starts with 1st grade. It is expected that most will spend 12 years in school. K-8 or 1st through 8th grade used to be called "primary school", then 9th-12th are high school. A lot of areas have broken this down because of population - so maybe a primary school is now K-5, then 6th grade starts "middle school" which lasts 3 or 4 years, then on to high school. There is the public school system, run entirely by the government, -paid for by taxes- and private schools - which are equivalent (usually better), and cost a lot on top of regular school taxes. Private schools have historically been run by religious orders, but that is changing now as business competition tightens. Parents can also home-school - or teach the children at home. they just need to pass the same standard tests as other children to get a diploma. There are no real concrete curriculum rules, but generally every year there is a physical education course.. "gym class" it is suited to age, and usually only children of like grade will participate together. every morning, they participate in the "Pledge of Allegiance". 1st/ 2nd grade: learn to print letters and begin words, simple arithmetic, explore basic arts and crafts, gain social skills like sharing and eating with others, mastering the use of public toilets. 3rd/ 4th grade: cursive handwriting, arithmetic including division and multiplication of 4-5 digit numbers, introduction of fractions, expect to read entire books, participate in singing, speaking, basic awareness of news and global events. Continued arts and crafts, perhaps original painting, poetry or some early acting in plays. 4th grade is a common standard testing year. ( now 5 or 6 + 4years.. so maybe 9 -10) 5th/ 6th grade: learning world geography & history, beginning to read classic books and give intelligent summary, begin "shop classes" and "home economics" - basic wood and metal craft like building bird houses.. cooking and sewing. Math usually introduces algebra now, possibly geometry too. Introduction to libraries and museums should be now if not earlier. Beginning years of health, hygeine, and possibly sex-ed. 7th/8th grade: expected to master reading at least the daily newspaper, hopefully the average novel. Math skills should include figuring interest rates, metric - US conversions, instant recognition of multiplication tables, decimal to fraction conversion, estimation of large multiples. Should be able to plan and cook a meal.. plan and build a dog house, repair basic woodwork. Sciences should include basic planetary knowledge, some kinetics, some chemistry and ecology. Should be able to form an opinion about a news article, and compose at least a 100-word essay on demand.. vocabulary should be around 8000 words. 7th and 8th grade are usually standard testing again. leaving 8th grade your age is about 13 9th - 12 grade or high school, you get deeper into reading & writing, perhaps writing 2500 word reports on Odysseus or Shakespeare. More in-depth science concentration, usually requiring a full year each of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Math will involve at least 2 years of algebra and trigonometry, with some pre-calculus. Mastery of US geography, identifying each of the 50 states, capitals and most of the world's countries. Understanding of the US political system, history (at least the printed version) from English & Dutch settlers through present. Usually, "driver's education" is included or substituted for a semester of health or gym classes. Vocabulary should expand to around 10K-12K words. Students should be able to explain the biology behind reproduction, understand and explain caloric intake, starches, sugars and fats.. Why the sky is blue, and why the sun rises in the east.. Freezing and boiling point of water, and what phase change is.. fundamental computer use should be mastered..but they'll learn this before they walk now. Expect some kind of standard testing every year - different by State. All this finishes up at around age 17, and this is the "required minimum education" for all - a high school diploma. All during school, especially at public school - attendance is taken, and truancy is dealt with. Students or parents may be fined, expelled from school, or forced to repeat a grade if missing more than a certain amount of days. Most districts require about 180 school days per year.. any absences over 10 days total in a year need to be documented and explained.. missing more than 25 days can mean automatical