Sunday, May 24, 2009

Are our children Safe in USA school with Russia on offensive in Georgia

Are our children Safe in USA school with Russia on offensive in Georgia?
Is Russia just going through a phase? I mean what if Russia decides they gonna use nukes on our children at school in the USA next? are our children talki about the russia georgia conflict at school? are our children safe an learnin bout evil russia whats going on in school's social studies now a days?
Politics - 13 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
instead of our children, your children are in safety
2 :
According to Bush: Childrens do learn so they should be safe.
3 :
I wouldn't worry about a nuclear attack. Russia is well aware of the mutual assured destruction doctrine. If Russia attacks US soil, they are finished. Granted it would be a blood bath, but it is in no one's best interest to go to a full scale war.
4 :
If its anybodys kids who are at risk its Britain's , we are not that far from Russia , so they would use us as an example first , because they now we cant afford to nuke them back
5 :
Personally, I have no problems with what Russia did, considering it's Georgia that attacked first. Our own irresponsible foreign policy probably fueled a large part of Russia's response to the situation. The USA is in Iraq. We've sold arms (tens of billions of dollars worth) to Saudi Arabia, Israel and Egypt. We're rattling sabers with Iran and "keeping all options on the table". We're expanding NATO east and setting up a dubious missile defense system... Imagine if Russia put a missile defense system in Quebec... The Russian threat is as large and problematic as we make it out to be... the action/reaction diplomacy that this administration practices is borderline lunacy and irresponsible... but a large part of what happens will be on their shoulders, no matter how much they want to blame Russia.
6 :
I wouldn't worry. I mean...Iraq was supposed to have nuked us by now, followed by Iran, Syria, North Korea, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Cuba, and Venezuela. Presently, our kids have more to fear from their government cutting their social programs, school funding budgets, WIC, Headstart, and so many other arenas of interest that--by the time Russia gets around to launching nukes at us--most of this country will be either dead from the lack of affordable healthcare, penniless from a worthless dollar, or buried up to their armpits by 193 million illegal immigrants straight from Mexico.
7 :
Yes, they are in danger from Russia. They are also in danger from the Terrorist supporting countries like, but not limited to, Iran, Venezuela and North Korea. The largest threat to our children though, if from people who answered that claim that reductions in WIC and other money stealing social programs endangered our children. These leaches will suck us dry from the inside, weakening us so we collapse into Socialism, and die like the Soviet Union did, or be poverty stricken like Cuba.
8 :
9 :
The children of the US are as safe as they been since Russia and other countries developed their own nuclear weapons. Back in the 50s-70s kids were taught to seek for cover under their desks during a nuclear attack. This of course is pointless, and so is worrying about it. The big problem really is that this administration has provoked and encouraged George to start a conflict with Russia so that Poland would be scared enough to accept a missile base on its soil. This will make Poland a target of a nuclear response from Russia. Mutual assured destruction (MAD) has and will continue to prevent a nuclear war between US and Russia. This doesn't not mean that other countries will get the same consideration.
10 :
Wow... you poor thing... don't be so scared. Russia has no plans to attack the USA.... They are trying to take over a small neighboring country that they have had hostile relations with for quite some time... The USA is not fighting against Russia. Besides, do you really think that your kids would be any safer on one side of town as opposed to the other?
11 :
Relax. A full scale nuclear war will have no winner. There would be so much fallout that even countries that would want no part of it, would get it. If the s**t ever hit the fan, neither country would send just one or two bombs. It would look more like the arrows did in the movie "300". Unless Putin and Bush are truly psychos, that won't happen. What Russia will do is pimp-slap our allies around since they know that our hands are tied militarily with Iraq and Afghanistan. Russia wants to show the world that in this ocean, they are now a great white, not Nemo.
12 :
Russia is going through a phase alright. Its called plutocracy or more appropriately naked kleptocracy. Where mobsters, FSB and former KGB agents run the country and give nothing back. That said, I suspect, the thousands of nuclear weapons both sides have, still work, so there is no danger from Russia, and even if we didn't have the nukes, an invasion of the US is not something you can just do overnight. The old rule of mutually assured destruction still works...basically...I've got mine, you've got yours and if we use them they f*ck everything lawyers. Russia, is also "feeling the need" to demonstrate to the region that it's "back" , with respect to it's military capability, and "uppity Georgians" are just the excuse they were looking for. They will saber-rattle and may even pose a military threat to one or two of their neighbors, until the oil runs out. The Ossetian/Russian conflict, is yet another reason, in a long, long list of reasons, for our nation to become deadly serious about getting away from using oil. Lastly, Our children (and most of our adults) should learn absolutely as much as possible about other countries, so we know what is worth worrying about and what is just unfortunate. As far as the Ossetia situation, it's not at all an exaggeration to suggest that 1. The Georgians - at the very least - encouraged the fight, and that 2. The Ukrainians, Georgians and Ossetians need to take a hard look at their economic tailspins and consider that the over-riding problem for them is dealing with the Russians on one side and Islamists on the other, it's just a seriously crappy neighborhood, from a security / geopolitical perspective.
13 :
American children are quite safe. I am a Russian who was born in the United States to Russian immigrant parents. I relocated back to Mother Russia in August of 2005. Russia has never attacked children under the leadership of the Hon Vladimir Putin. Russia is not the country that places sanctions on other nations because they refuse to do their bidding. (I.E. a estimated 500,000 Iraqi children died between 1991-2001 from common illnesses due a lack of medical supplies that the Ussraeli/UK endorsed). Iraqi children are still having their little legs blown off and other physical dismemberment as a result of the Illegal, undeclared, unsanctioned, immoral, unethical, war taking place in Iraq. Russia, contrary to popular belief does not massacre their own citizens. To answer your question, In my opinion American children are very safe. The honorable Vladimir Putin has saved thousands of children in the republic of South Ossetia while Georgian troops (armed with the latest small arms of Ussrael). So a better question would be this: Are Russian children safe while maniacs like Bush, Cheney, and Rice are leading the way? From being raised in America, I have developed a insight into the American psych that few other Russian brothers or sisters possess. From this I would say that hostilities will not develop into anything more than rhetoric. If it is one thing that I have learned about the U.S., it is that Americans do not pick fights with nations that have the ability to defend themselves. Therefore, I see America coming to her senses and acting with a little more respect towards Russia in the future.

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