Friday, April 24, 2009

Can I major in business instead of biology or physics, etc and still continue to dentistry school in USA

Can I major in business instead of biology or physics, etc and still continue to dentistry school in USA?
Can I major in business instead of biology, physics, etc and still continue to dentistry school in USA? For example, I take Bachelor's degree in business in another country, can I still take dentistry in USA? If can, will the university prefer people with the biology/physics/etc major more?
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Pre-dentistry doesn't require you to major in a certain subject (e.g. bio or physics) yet there are still certain requirements of "pre-dentistry" that prepare you for dental school - such as a year of bio, several semesters of chemistry, a year of physics, and the like. As long as you meet those requirements, dental school won't care what your major is. Likewise, I believe if you're an international student and you meet all the requirements/have a good GPA/good recommendations and the like, it won't matter if your school is American or not.
2 :
if your real passion is to be a dentist, then i think your safest bet is getting your bachelor's in biology/physics. because if you really want to be a dentist, then why would you get a bachelor's in business?

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