Wednesday, April 8, 2009

what are the requirements for getting into a medical school in USA

what are the requirements for getting into a medical school in USA?
Am a international graduate I want to join medical school in USA. I don't have any science back ground. What will I have to do?
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Your first objective is to see if your degree will be recognized by a US university. If it is, then you're in luck. Almost every US medical school requires foreign graduates to attend at least 1 year at a US university. If your degree is recognized, you can enroll in a post-baccalaureate program to complete all of the prerequisite courses for medical school, which is exactly what US medical schools prefer foreign educated applicants do. Unfortunately, there are some medical schools that will accept foreign students only if they have completed their college education in the US. The good news is that most of the universities and medical schools address this issue on their web sites.

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