Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What is the average price for a private high school in USA

What is the average price for a private high school in USA?
And whats your opinion? Do public schools are better than private schools, whats the difference and the price for attending a private high school?
Primary & Secondary Education - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
$5,000-$10,000 per year
2 :
3 :
I don't get why pay for what you are given free. And I don't know how much a private high school helps as far as getting into Ivey league schools, but I know that I was accepted to Rice, Stanford, Duke, UNC-chapel hill, Rochester, etc. all that I applied to and I am from a very country/small/poor public school. I would save my 10K a year, but then I can understand a parent wanting to send their children to "the best of the best." ... then again maybe I would never have taken that gap year. They can cost anywhere from 8 to 28K. Depends on which one you pick. Then that price doesn't include books and such.
4 :
$3000-$15000 I pay $5000 for my tenth grade daughter you get what you pay for a friend has a public school daughter who is 5th in her class of about 500 and got a 26 on the ACT and thinks daughter should start college as a sophomore my private school graduate got a 30 on the ACT and ranked 24th in her class of 117...and she is doing very well in college while many of her public school friends have been called home or sent home for academic problems

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