Thursday, July 16, 2009

How to tie-up with schools in USA / Singapore / UK for used text books for school students in India

How to tie-up with schools in USA / Singapore / UK for used text books for school students in India ?
School students in India get pleasure and knowledge in reading books rich with pictorial illustrations etc. The books published in USA / Singapore / UK are very good but too costly. Students in USA / UK / Singapore who have used the books and passed out of their schools may wish to donate such books for distribution to needy students/ libraries etc in India. How does one get to organise such tie-ups between schools in USA and our trust organisation which shall do the distribution in India??
Primary & Secondary Education - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I guess you need to have networks. Find people from your school who have connections with schools outside. And then start writing letter-requests.
2 :
u have to contact through NGOS
3 :
Find a sponser and also get a connection who can get you cheap deals on airfrieght and postage. Otherwise, it will be very expensive to send/remit books over. Alternatively, you may wish to approach the publisher to get some of the old copies [that may not be relevant/wanted] sent over. (: hope that helped.

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