Tv series and movies ALWAYS show the same types of teenagers and the same types of relationships between them in high school. There's always, the nerds, the "strong" guys that like to annoy the so-called "losers", the popular girls (that always end up with the popular guys), the cheerleaders .... Always the same thing... That makes me wonder (since I'm not familiar with the american reallity, cuz I'm Brazilian), if that really is what happens during High School.
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in ways yes, but some ways, no. we do have the typical nerds, jocks, preps, goths, people that you usually see on tv. and usually the preps and jocks usually date. the nerds, jocks, preps, and goths have their own cliques. (group of people that they hang around) And they usually dont go outside of that clique because their use 2 hanging around people like them.