Thursday, September 24, 2009

I want to get admission of my daughter in school at USA. At present she is 17 year old.

I want to get admission of my daughter in school at USA. At present she is 17 year old.?
I'm from India and relocating to USA next year. My 17 year old daughter is studying in 12th standard here in India at present. I want to admit her in school (may be in 10th or 11th standard) instead of college eventhough she is eligible for college. This is because of change of atmosphere, different teaching methodology etc. I feel that once she is aquented with the people,teachers, new educational methodology, new atmosphere etc, then it is better to get admission in college.Is this possible? Can the school authorities consider my request?
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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I'm not 100% sure on this one. However, I believe that if you were to contact either the School Administrator or the Principal of the area you are looking to move to and explain the situation they could give you advice. I know that I knew people in school that had moved from another state to my state (Arizona) and were required to go a grade down due to graduation requirements or different teaching lessons. I'm not sure if thats a nation wide policy however I did see it happen in Arizona. Hope this helps you some, and that your travel and relocation to the USA is pleasent. USA May God Bless You

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