Tuesday, December 8, 2009

What do you think about the kids who were sent home for wearing USA shirts in a USA school

What do you think about the kids who were sent home for wearing USA shirts in a USA school?!?
Instead, they warmly welcomed anyone with a Mexican La Raza shirt. This happened in California btw.....does the southwest officially belong to Mexico now?
Politics - 12 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Illegal immigrants at their school were offended
2 :
You are making it look like something it was not. It was mexican sensitivity day and a day for the mexican kids to feel welcome.Those kids wore those t shirts to put down the mexican kids. Stop provoking you dont look too bright sorry.
3 :
USA school probably ran by a bunch of mexicans. Sad huh.
4 :
Princess, who cares if it was Mexican sensitivity day? This is America and people should be allowed to wear the American flag any day of the week, if the Mexicans feel offended, they should go back to their third world hellhole.!!!
5 :
Kids are sent home regularly for wearing La Raza shirts and any other slogan from their culture. You really have no knowledge of what you write.
6 :
What's even funnier is that a few of those kids were half Hispanic
7 :
Why is Sarah Palin on a US cable channel (FOX,ofc) wearing a non-American, potentially Secessionist flag instead of the Stars and Stripes?
8 :
Mexicans are offended by our flag.
9 :
princess penelope: Stop with the bullcrap. This is the US, where citizens should feel free to display the American flag on their clothes any day of the year they want. This isn't Mexico. Would you go to Mexico and demand the Mexican flag not be worn on clothes on the 4th of July? I wouldn't because I have more respect than that. Obviously these delusional kids whining about the flag in the US on the 5 May don't have the same respect for us.
10 :
Americans need to wake up and do it quickly, our country is being taken from us by liberals and by those that would support illegal immigrants for the purpose of acquiring political support, the once honorable Democratic Party. Folks, its not too late, Vote come November and Vote Wisely, because that's the only thing that's going to save our country!
11 :
I need to see the context, but my immediate thought is: what kind of parent uses their kid asa political weapon? I mean, besides Mom of the Century: Special Needs Sarah Palin.
12 :
They get to wear their flags, we get to wear ours. If they don't like our flag, WTF are they doing HERE?

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