Thursday, April 1, 2010

Does anyone know about the Sudbury Valley School in USA

Does anyone know about the Sudbury Valley School in USA?
I read a book (Free at last) about a school that only teaches when the pupils ask to learn something. Has anyone been there? I'm curious to know more.
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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1 .Yes, I know the school well. The school has an extensive press, with many more books, and a whole lot of free information on the web page Though, to be fair, it is not strictly true that "the school only teaches when the pupils ask . . ." It is more accurate to say that the school *never* teaches, and that it is key to the school's philosophy that, in a caring and intellectual environment, people naturally learn. And that, in fact, such learning is invisible. Consider the way that an infant learns to speak. One wouldn't say that the child was taught how to speak. And yet, by the time that the child is age 2-4, s/he speaks. This is how students at Sudbury Valley learn to read, debate, do mathematics, etcetera -- unitntentionally, naturally, organically. I hope that this helps.