Sunday, March 1, 2009

What changes would you make to the USA school system

What changes would you make to the USA school system?
There are a lot of problems in USA schools from bullies and violence to children not actually learning...what changes do you think need to be made and how will these changes benifit children?
Primary & Secondary Education - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
take the government out of it and let the teachers do there jobs
2 :
I would pay teachers enough that REALLY good people would want to teach, rather than only the people who (too often, sadly) can't do anything else. :-(
3 :
pay really good teachers much more money. their average salary in NY is like 40000 to 50000 for all the work they do i think they should be paid more. at least like 60 to 70 thousand.
4 :
Let them learn at home on the computer. It will lower taxes & Columbine type incidents will be a thing of the past. Let them interact with others online so their social skills are not diminished.
5 :
As you have noted there are a number of issues with the school system, but I will only address acouple. First restore power to the school staff so that they might enforce rules and discipline, and then raise the standards back to a comparable level with those years ago, where a student had to have acquired an actual education to receive a diploma.
6 :
#1 Raise the wages of schoolteachers across the country. Pay raises should be mandatory for teachers with respectable track records in terms of turning out literate children. #2 Get rid of summer vacation. School should be a year-round affair like they have in Japan. The rest of us have to work like this, why shouldn't teachers & students? Vacations should be limited to a week per season - Winter, Spring, Summer, & Fall. #3 Uniforms should be the norm in every school, not just a few districts. But there should be some room for fashion flexibility in the high school years as the kids are becoming more adult-like.
7 :
Have the tax money follow the student like it was in the 50's and 60's. If the child goes to a Catholic school send the money there same if it is a Jewish school. Parents can pay the difference. The school should be required to meet certian requirements for academics and have an open admission policy. This would. 1) Improve competition for students and thus improve Quality 2) Improve pay for teachers that can teach well. 3) Improve ethics and morality. (anyone ever have a nun for a teacher?) 4) Allow parents more SAY in THEIR CHILD's education. 5) Removes a bunch of government red tape. 6) Allow local school boards to govern the public schools.
8 :
Time school starts, when school is in, and dress codes.

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