Tuesday, March 24, 2009

In the public USA school at what grade does they teach Spanish as second language

In the public USA school at what grade does they teach Spanish as second language?
I am doing some reach on the curriculum of education in the States and i was wondering at which level do they teach Spanish as second language and about how old are this students. Thank you!
Teaching - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I started it in 7th grade and in 12th I stopped.
2 :
3 :
Well it depends. Sometimes people can sign up for it, and sometimes it changes. But right now, people take it in 7th grade (when they get to middle school) Hope this helps! :)
4 :
Usually when people start middle school, but it depends.
5 :
Iit Depends on what place of the United States. Many start in 7th (middle school, or Secondary School) others offer until 9th grade (High School, or third yr of Secondary School) and a lesser amount start in kinder garden.

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