Thursday, October 8, 2009

how i can inform school in usa to not allow physical communications between boy and girl?

how i can inform school in usa to not allow physical communications between boy and girl? ?
my children goes to this school and yesterday she come back and say "dad the teacher give me project with boy" how i will allow this? maybe he will touch her in bad way. they are 15 years. i think to tell them do it in our home so i can watch, but maybe the neighbours will see him coming into the house they will think bad things. what the neighbours would think when they see this boy come in our house? i am new in america and i do not have knowledge of this.
Other - United States - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
This is America. Things are different here. The boy and the school are not the problem. The problem is your beliefs and the way you raise your daughter. You and your daughter need to talk and come up with something between the two of you. My children behave because it is the right thing to do... Not because I locked them up away from the world.
2 :
If you fear your daughter being touched "badly" by a boy, do you not worry about her when she is at school when you are not there to supervise? You should stop worrying and trust your daughter a bit more. This is America, after all, where boys and girls mix and mingle all the time. No one will think anything of it, as it is quite common to see boys and girls together in America. I have neighbor teens in my home all the time. Your neighbors don't care who is coming into your home, unless your visitors are impacting the neighborhood. Boys visit girls' homes frequently in America, and girls visit the boys, too. If you're so concerned about her interaction with boys, put her in an all girls school. However I advise against this. Let her be a normal teenager.
3 :
Send your daughter to an all girl school. If you can't afford it learn to live with it. In the US girls and boys (and men and women) interact.
4 :
I'm not sure what culture you come from, but boys and girls working on school projects together is completely normal. Also, a boy and girl hanging out, being friends, going to the mall/movies/wherever together is completely normal. Your neighbors will not think you are strange if you allow this boy to come work on the project at your house. I would also stop worrying about this boy trying to touch your daughter inappropriately. Although something like that can happen, it is highly UNLIKELY. Maybe you should ask your daughter if she feels comfortable working on this project with him. That may give you a little more comfort with this situation. But, like I said, this is the US. Boys and girls have friendships, work on school assignments together, and it doesn't mean there is anything sexual going on between them.
5 :
Dont worry, even if he does try to touch your daughter i trust that you raised her well enought to say no. And if a boy comes through your door no one will care. We are very liberal in general in America. Also it depends where you are people might care more in the sticks than in a big city such as San Francisco
6 :
As others have said this is America. When my family came over from Europe - they eagerly embraced the American culture of freedom and openness - some however who have religions that want to control every facet of a persons day - have problems with that. they place fear in your hearts to retain control. You have raised your daughter well - she will be fine - it is what America is all about. Freedom to be who you are, to speak to who you wish to, to not be beaten for your thoughts or words, freedom to attend school and worship how you want to.

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