Sunday, July 8, 2012

What graduate business school in the USA, offer Master of science in management and/or marketing.

What graduate business school in the USA, offer Master of science in management and/or marketing.?
I am a fresh graduate looking for Graduate business schools in the USA that can offer on campus MS programs. Most of the business schools offer either MS in Finance, either in Acounting. I don't have full time work experience, so i cannot participate in an MBA.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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There are dozens, perhaps hundreds, which do so, however, the meaning of the MS may vary from one school to another. At some, it is a more quantitative version of the graduate degree, intended for people who intend to become market researchers or mathematical modelers. This is actually why you find more MS's in finance or accounting, because those are more naturally quantitative subject matters. At some schools, the MS is given for a concentrated program of what might be the electives in an MBA program in a subject matter - in other words, in the case of marketing, the MBA without the finance, accounting, operations management, human resources, etc. In some schools, the MS is a "consolation prize" given to those who made it through the Ph.D. coursework, but who perhaps failed their comprehensive exams or were otherwise deemed by the faculty unsuitable to continue with the program and write a dissertation. Most employers do not see the two degrees as interchangeable, so I would not see not having work experience as a good reason to get an MS. I think you would be better off waiting a few years for the MBA.

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