Sunday, February 1, 2009

what kind of ideology does usa student learn in school

what kind of ideology does usa student learn in school?
I am a student from china.In school we learn Marxist ideology.It always tell us Socialist will finally beat the Capitalism.I want to know what the student learn in usa school on ideology.tell me something on the idealogy.Thank you very much.I am eager for your replay.
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
We aren't taught ideology. We know we have capitalism, and though most people couldn't tell marxist from socialist from communist, they have negative connotations for them. They're often used as insults, actually, although again, most people don't have clue what they mean.
2 :
Unfortunately, these days, U.S. students are getting brainwashed with socialism too. It drives me crazy because its such a lie. Every country that has tried full fledged communism or socialism has failed miserably. Ask anyone who lived in the former U.S.S.R. during the 80's and earlier or anyone who lived in Cuba how "great" socialism is. If capitalism is so awful, why do so many people leave socialist countries to come and live in the U.S.? China wouldn't be anywhere near as well off economically today if it wasn't for embracing certain aspects of capitalism.
3 :
We're taught to be authoritarians, nationalists, and supporters of corporate-welfare capitalism. I certainly faced insults and beatings from administrators, teachers, and fellow-students for disagreeing with such things.

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